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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Early Years

The Early Years Foundation Stage is the key stage that covers children's learning from birth to the age of 5.

The planning for children's learning experiences is based on the government publication 'Development Matters for the Early Years Foundation Stage'. It gives guidance on the stages of development (Unique Child)and how children's learning can be supported by the adults, (Positive Relationships) and the activities and resources provided (Enabling Environments), both indoors and out.


Children are assessed on entry to find their starting points. Topic planning takes into account the stage of children's development, their learning needs and their interests. Some topics are planned for the whole class and other shorter, more focussed topics are planned and can be based on the needs/ interests of a group or an individual child. Seasonal changes and significant cultural celebrations are also planned for.

Assessment is ongoing through observation and specific tasks. Children's progress and achievements are recorded using the 2simple app, and plotted against the Development Matters document to place children within the 'best fit' age band according to their progress, to ensure the curriculum continues to meet their needs.

For further information on the EYFS curriculum and how to support your children, please follow the link below:


Parents' Guide

