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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success


Welcome to Nursery!

Are you looking for a nursery which provides excellent childcare provision in Ainsdale for your child to unleash their full potential? Then look no further!

Kings Meadow Primary School Nursery warmly welcomes children from two years to four years, providing a nurturing environment that promotes growth and learning. 


Welcome to the magical world of nursery at Kings Meadow Primary School.


Our nursery is bursting with a wide range of activities and resources to help keep your child's mind and body stimulated every day. With endless opportunities available, children can explore, play, and learn in a safe and engaging environment.  

Rest assured the excitement does not stop indoors! With a focus on outdoor learning and play, we ensure that the fun never stops at Kings Meadow Nursery, allowing children to thrive in a dynamic and enriching environment. 

Want to keep up to date on what your little one is getting up to during their stay at nursery? Then download The Instagram App and our highly qualified team will provide you with regular updates, ensuring that you never miss a moment!


To further support your child's learning and development at home, download the Purple Mash app. Here you will find a wide range of resources, activities, information, and advice. 

Want to learn more about our nursery and see the fantastic facilities for yourself? Book a visit today and our friendly team will look forward to welcoming you. 

We hope you find all of the information you need below. 

Please contact us if you need anything else



Nursery 2024-2025


Class Teacher- Miss. Yates

Teaching Assistant – Miss. Bayliff


Welcome to the start of your child’s Kings Meadow Learning Journey.  We understand that as parents, this may be your first experience of nursery life and we are here to ensure that you are fully aware of what learning is all about in our Nursery.

We hope you find it helpful.  If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


What will you need?

‘Tool Kit’ For Nursery


Your child will need to bring a bag (your child’s tool kit) to include everything he/she will need to have a happy day in Nursery. 

These essentials include

  • A plastic water bottle/beaker, to be returned and filled with water/milk daily 
  • A change of spare clothes – including socks, underwear.
  • Warm jumper if weather is cold.
  • Sunglasses/sun hat in summer weather
  • Hat, scarf and gloves for winter weather
  • Nappies/pull-ups, wipes, nappy sacks if needed.
  • Optional all in one waterproof play suit



Please ensure that your child comes to Nursery in weather appropriate clothing to enable full access to all of our learning spaces. 


Nursery Uniform.

Your child WILL get MESSY!

And we love it as it is part of learning!

Your child may get paint, playdough, food, spaghetti, slime, felt-tip, mud, sand and much more on their clothing!  We try our best to keep ourselves clean, however, we encourage the children to explore and get involved in learning. 

We recommend that your child wears our school Nursery uniform that includes

  • T-Shirt;
  • Jumper;
  • leggings/jogging bottoms;
  • Shoes/trainers with Velcro straps.


It is important that your child is developing independence within a setting with lots of children.  Velcro fastening shoes are most appropriate and helpful with this. 

Top Tip!




Entering Nursery

You will be greeted at our Nursery door by our smiling Nursery team. 

We are always happy to help and discuss important information about your child at this time.  Please inform staff of any medical needs or emotional needs that may affect your child during the nursery session.  It really helps us to support your child the best we can for the rest of the day. 

Thank you for your support when leaving the Nursery gate promptly to prevent congestion. 

Nursery gates are locked at 9.00am after morning children have arrived and 12.25pm for afternoon children– please report to the office if you are late.

Nursery Dinners

The menu for our school dinners will be given to you on request. It can also be viewed on the school website.

Please discuss options with your child and highlight your options on the menu before returning this back to school.  We encourage the children to try all of the delicious healthy foods.   Our children have loved tasting new foods and even enjoy foods they thought they didn’t like!

Healthy Snacks

Children help to prepare our healthy snacks and we have a healthy two weekly menu.  We focus on chopping, slicing and spreading skills and children develop their social and communication skills as they become the chef for the day!

We ask for a contribution of £1 per week to help us to fund our healthy snacks, baking and celebrations.  Please return in the envelope provided at the beginning of term.

Home Time

Home time is 11.45 am for morning children and either 3.00pm (30 hours) or 3.15pm (afternoons sessions) and we try our best to be prompt.  Should you be unavoidably detained, your child will be taken to the entrance/office. Please let us know if a family member/friend will be picking up your child.  

‘Our Cracking Curriculum’

We have developed a very exciting curriculum for our Early Years Foundation Stage.

In the Early Years at Kings Meadow Primary School, we believe that every pupil is unique.  We ensure all children have the opportunity to develop and learn in a safe and nurturing environment where play and learning is combined.

 Through practical learning experiences, we strive to equip children with a love of learning and a natural curiosity.

We are committed to giving our pupils the best possible start to their school life, teaching them skills and knowledge that ensure their well- being now and success in the future.


Our EYFS Curriculum aims to provide aMeet Nathan The Natterjack Toad!

C- Creative,




K-Knowledge & Skills for every



G- Global Citizens of The Future.


Meet Nathan the Natterjack Toad!

He will be helping us with our learning along the way!


Knowledge Organisers – We will provide you with a termly overview of our Topics and Key story focus.  This includes technical vocabulary and a knowledge and skills overview that your child will experience with us.

Home Learning

Yes…homework in Nursery!

Of course, homework in Nursery is not essential – but fun home learning activities are!   

We will send our nursery rhymes of the week, activities linked to our stories, creative ideas for you to make and do!  They are not compulsory and we do not expect anything in return.  However, we know that our children love to share with you what they have been learning about in nursery.  We may also share activity ideas on our Instagram page or school website.

We may set creative ‘half-termly’ challenges that we hope you will enjoy taking part in!


Parental Involvement


We provide many opportunities for you to engage in your child’s learning.  There will be lots of ‘Stay and Play’ days linked to our themes and topics. 

You may like to volunteer to listen to children read or help our children to change library books.


Check out our Instagram – Kingsmeadow_EYFS

Please follow us on Instagram for exciting updates about your child’s learning in Nursery.   We may also send, reminders, dates for forthcoming events, etc. Parents agree for us to share our photographs, however, if you would like to discuss removal of any photographs, please let us know.  


Eco School Issues

We recycle yoghurt pots, ice cream tubs, kitchen roll tubes, cardboard boxes etc.  Please collect and bring them to school for us to use for model making.


We hope you really enjoy your child’s first year at

Kings Meadow Primary School Nursery.


We strive to make Kings Meadow a happy, memorable and exciting learning environment

If you have any queries, please let us know

Spring 1 Overview

Talk For Writing - We are Going On a Bear Hunt

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt For a quarter of a century, readers have been swishy-swashying and splash-sploshing through the award-winning favourite picture book We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury In this video, Michael Rosen performs the book - why not sing along with your copy at home!

We're Going on a Bear Hunt | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

A Cosmic Kids yoga adventure about going on a bear hunt! (Inspired by the wonderful book by Michael Rosen) 🌈 Watch our videos ad-free on the Cosmic Kids app: ⭐ Subscribe to the Cosmic Kids YouTube channel: - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🌈 The Cosmic Kids app: 🎬 The complete Cosmic Kids video library.

How Read Write Inc. phonics works - a parent/carer's guide

A guide to how Read Write Inc. phonics works and how parents and carers can support their children to become confident, enthusiastic readers.

Understanding how phonics works for parents

A simple explanation of how phonics works and the 44 sounds needed to for children to learn to read. Other videos on our channel that you might find useful: ⭐️ 10 Things to think about when you read to your child: ⭐️ Reading the stretchy sounds with your child: ⭐️ Read Write Inc.: How to say the set one, set two and set three sounds: Further Ruth Miskin Training and Read Write Inc.

