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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 Class Page


We have a very exciting year of learning ahead of us. We hope that the following information about our curriculum and routines will help you and your child settle into Willow Class.


Year 2 Teaching Team

Mrs Noone – Class Teacher 

Miss Steele- Teaching Assistant

Miss Rodriguez - Teaching Assistant 



Physical Education Reminders

P.E kits are required to be worn to school on a Monday (Dance) & Thursday (P.E.).


Homework Reminders

On a Tuesday the children will be given homework and spellings, the Homework book should be returned to school by Friday.  Children should aim to read and learn spellings on a daily basis. 

The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Monday, new spellings will also be issued on a Monday. Please ensure the spelling book is returned to school for lists to be updated and spelling scores to be added weekly. 

Year 2 Reading

Books are issued from the schools reading scheme. Books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday of each week. Please send books into school every day so that we can also read with your child in school and update the Reading Record with reading completed at home.






2022 -2023


Pathfinders 1

Year 1

Pathfinders 2

Year 2

The Four Seasons

Theme 1

05.09.22 – 21.10.22

Happily Ever After



Inter-Nation Media Station

Autumn and Winter


24.10.22 – 18.11.22

Jurassic Hunters

Medicine Woman

Theme 2

21.11.22 – 20.01.23

Unity in the Community



Land Ahoy!




23.01.23 – 10.02.23

Dancing Spy

Children’s Champion


Theme 3

20.02.23 – 21.04.23

Come Fly with Me! Arctic Circle



Zero to Hero



Spring and Summer


24.04.23 – 12.05.23

Never Eat Shredded Wheat

Paddington’s Passport

Theme 4

15.05.23 – 14.07.23

Light Up the World


Going Wild



Current Curriculum Theme

Zero to Hero” is a thematic unit about heros and heroines, both past and present, who have overcome major challenges in life and become inspirational fi­gures. There is a key subject focus on history.


Curriculum Breadth

The other subjects included in this thematic unit are art, design technology, drama, ICT / computing,
literacy, maths, music, PSHE and science. Breadth comes, not only from the range of subjects offered, but
also from their careful integration, leading to more connected thinking. Global Dimensions help pupils
develop a wider perspective and understand the links between their own lives and those of people around
the globe, as well as understanding their own place in the worldwide community.



Hi7 Ask and answer questions about the past

Hi9 Recognise why people did things and why events happened

Hi12 Observe and handle a range of sources of information to find out about the past

Hi14 Use a wide vocabulary of everyday historical terms



Ar17 Painting Experiment with a variety of tools and techniques, including mixing a range of secondary colours, shades and tones

Ar23 Observe the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work



Ict1 Explore digital resources by using hyperlinks and simple menus

Ict2 Use the internet and other digital sources to find out about significant issues, events and people and explore real and imaginary locations

Ict7 Use technology purposefully to create, capture, organise, store, manipulate, retrieve and present digital content

Ict8 Try alternatives using a range of tools and techniques to alter text, images and sounds

Ict11 Use strategies to stay safe when using ICT and the internet

Ict12 Plan, discuss and review work developed using ICT in order to improve it

Ict13 Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private

Ict14 Identify when and where to go for help and support when they have concerns about material on the internet



Dr9 Use role play to engage and empathise with characters, situations and events from known stories and stories they create together

Dr15 Add simple effects such as a sound or prop to enhance their performance



Dt11 Identify a purpose for what they intend to design and make

Dt12 Identify simple design criteria then plan what to do next, using a variety of methods

Dt13 Observe and take account of properties of materials when deciding how to cut, shape, combine and join them

Dt14 Identify what they could have done differently or how they could improve their work in the future

Dt16 Communicate their ideas using a variety of methods e.g. drawing, making mock-ups, ICT

Dt17 Measure, mark, cut out and shape a range of materials

Dt19 Use simple finishing techniques

Dt20 Talk about their ideas, saying what they like and dislike, and evaluate against their design criteria



Mu30 Explore and extend the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively to convey mood and emotion

Mu35 Listen carefully, recognise and use repeated patterns and increase aural memory

Mu37 Perform with awareness of different parts that others are playing or singing




Sc6 Explore and observe in order to collect data and describe and compare findings

Sc7 With help, suggest some ideas and questions and predict what might happen

Sc8 Use first-hand observation, own experience and simple information sources to make comparisons and answer questions

Sc9 Observe closely using simple equipment

Sc11 Use simple scientific language

Sc12 Perform simple tests

Sc13 Record findings in various formats using standard units, drawings, diagrams, photographs, simple prepared formats such as tables and charts, tally charts, and displays

Sc14 Say whether what happened was what was expected and draw simple conclusions to help answer questions











