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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!






Year 4 Teaching Team:


Class Teacher - Mrs Hayes

Teaching Assistant- Miss Roberts


Physical Education Reminders

P.E kits are required to be worn to school on a Monday (Dance) & Thursday (P.E.).

During the Autumn term we will be swimming on a Tuesday, please remember full swimming kits.


Homework Reminders

On a Tuesday the children will be given homework, the Homework book should be returned to school by Friday. Children should aim to read and learn spellings on a daily basis. 

The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Monday, new spellings will also be issued on a Monday. Please ensure the spelling book is returned to school for lists to be updated and spelling scores to be added weekly. 



Our current theme is 

'Under the Canopy'


“Under the Canopy” is a thematic unit, based on the rainforest with a key focus on geography and history.
Pupils are comissioned to work for a fictitious organisation called ‘Roots’ in helping two adopted children
find out about their Mexican / Mayan heritage. Through this project, they will learn about the importance
of the rainforest.




I can take responsibility, showing confidence in myself and my contribution to the group.


I trust my intuition and feelings.


I can adapt my ideas as circumstances change.


I can organise my time and resources, making sure I do the most important tasks first.


Learning objectives for the Unit:


Ge22 Ask and respond to questions to develop a sense of place
Ge23 Collect and record evidence and begin to o?er explanations
Ge25 Explore places with di?erent climate zones
Ge26 Describe signifcant places located in the wider world
Ge28 Identify how the ways in which people live sometimes have consequences for the environment
Ge29 Use appropriate geographical vocabulary to communicate their ?ndings
Ge31 Use atlases, globes, maps and plans at a range of scales and draw simple maps and plans
Hi16 Explore the different ways we can find out about the past and how to understand the evidence
Hi17 Identify different ways in which the past is represented
Hi18 Recognise similarities and differences between people’s lives during different periods of time
Hi22 Use sources of information including ICT to find out about events, people and changes



Ge33 Ask and respond to geographical questions and o?er their own ideas
Ge35 Identify where signifcant places are located in the wider world
Ge37 Identify how different ways in which people live around the world sometimes have consequences for
the environment and the lives of others from local to global scales
Ge38 Use appropriate geographical vocabulary in communicating findings
Ge42 Use secondary sources of information and ICT as part of investigations
Hi23 Ask and answer a variety of perceptive historical questions
Hi24 Investigate the characteristic features of, and changes within, periods of history that were of global
Hi26 Identify how signifcant events, developments or individuals and groups have infuenced the world in
the recent and distant past
Hi31 Communicate knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways




This term we are reading the novel 'The Great Kapok Tree'

