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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success


Summer 2


Welcome to our last half term! We are ready for our new theme, 'There's no place like home!'

We will be learning about different types of homes for both humans and animals and thinking about what a home is and what they mean to us. Alongside our theme, we will be learning the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. The three little pigs famously built three different types of home and we will think about the materials they used and how they did or didn't work to keep the pigs safe! The children will learn to re-tell the story and to innovate a new version of their own!


Welcome to Our Reception Class 2021-2022


Our classes are all named after trees.  We are the Rowan Class. 

Class Teacher: Miss. Yates 

Class Teaching Assistant: Miss. Bayliff

Teaching Assistants 1:1 Support:  Miss. Steele, Mrs. Reeman, Mrs. Moir, Mrs. Robinson 


We hope you find all of the information you need below.  

Please contact us if you need anything else



Summer Term 2022


We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday and that you are looking forward to an exciting Summer term at school!


During the Summer term, we will be starting our new topic 'Food, Glorious Food!'. We will learn about crunchy food, savoury food and sweet food; we will talk about our favourite foods and we will learn how to grow our own food! Yummy!


Our Talk for Writing text this term will be 'Jack and the Beanstalk', so to get us started, we will be sending home some runner beans and asking you to have a go at growing them over the Easter holidays. We would love you to bring your beans back to school after the holidays so that we can continue growing them and caring for them together!



For more information, you can find our planning overviews below.



Spring Term 2022


Welcome to Spring 2


We hope you had a lovely half term and return refreshed ready for Spring 2! We have another exciting half term planned; we will exploring the topic 'Under the Sea'  and

our 'Talk For Writing' focus story is 'Mr Gumpy's Outing'. For more information, check out our planning overviews  below! 




Mr Gumpy's Outing Read Aloud

Mt Gumpy's Outing. Part of the STELLAR program.

