Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
We have a very exciting year of learning ahead of us. We hope that the following information about our curriculum and routines will help you and your child settle into Beech Class.
Year 1 Teaching Team
Mrs Beesley – Class Teacher
Mrs Robinson - Teaching Assistant (Mon/Tues)
Mrs Fleming - Teaching Assistant (Wed/Thurs/Fri)
Mrs Graham - Teaching Assistant (Part-Time)
Physical Education Reminders
P.E kits are required to be worn to school on a Monday (Dance) & Thursday (P.E.).
Homework Reminders
On a Tuesday the children will be given homework and spellings, the Homework book should be returned to school by Friday. Children should aim to read and learn spellings on a daily basis.
The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Monday, new spellings will also be issued on a Monday. Please ensure the spelling book is returned to school for lists to be updated and spelling scores to be added weekly.
Year 1 Reading
Books are issued from the schools reading scheme. Books will be changed on a Monday and Wednesday of each week. Please send books into school every day so that we can also read with your child in school and update the Reading Record with reading completed at home.
Curriculum Information
This year at Kings Meadow, in a change to our curriculum, we have developed new themes and learning sequences to inspire our children that ‘LEARNING MEANS THE WORLD’! Information about our new ‘Dimensions’ Curriculum can be found in the Curriculum section of this website. The following information is specific to Year 1.
In Year 1 we are ‘PATHFINDERS’. Through our teaching, and the experiences we offer, this year our children will learn how to become:
INNOVATIVE – I can find new ways of doing things.
DECISIVE - I can respond appropriately to instructions.
CREATIVE – I can share my ideas and experiences with others and as part of a group.
INDEPENDENT – I am not afraid to ‘have a go’.
Current Curriculum Theme
Our current theme is ‘Happily Ever After’. It is part of our whole school focus on COMMUNICATION.
The ‘Happily Ever After’ is a thematic unit based around fairy tales, with a key focus on literacy and drama. It is designed to enable pupils to develop a love of stories, as well as providing a vehicle for communication through creative arts work.
Curriculum Breadth
The subjects also included in this thematic unit are art, dance, design technology, drama, ICT / computing, science, speaking and listening, maths, music and PSHE. Breadth comes, not only from the range of subjects covered, but also from their careful integration, leading to more connected thinking. Global Dimensions help pupils develop a wider perspective and understand the links between their own lives and those of people around the globe, as well as understanding their place in the worldwide community.
Curriculum Depth
‘Learning Means the World’ puts great emphasis on curriculum depth. We focus on common attributes that ensure provision of a deep curriculum and use them to underpin our thematic units. We consider these to be:- meaning and relevance; cohesion; opportunities for inquiry; development of critical, creative and high order thinking skills; integration of subjects; provision of access to information from a range of sources and viewpoints and the authenticity of end products.
Through elements such as Catalyst Questions, Pupil-Led Activities and Essential
Learning Experiences (ELEs), teachers will ensure a greater depth of learning.
In this theme we will cover the following Learning Objectives:
Sc1 Suggest what might happen and perform simple tests.
Sc2 Explore using senses and record findings in simple ways.
Sc3 Collect evidence to try to answer a question.
Sc4 Make simple comparisons through observation.
Sc5 Identify and classify based on simple criteria.
Ar5 3D Form Explore sculpture with a range of malleable media e.g. clay.
Ar13 3D Form Manipulate clay in a variety of ways e.g. rolling, kneading and shaping.
Design Technology
Dt1 Explore the sensory qualities of materials.
Dt3 Identify a target group for what they intend to design and make.
Dt4 Recognise how structures can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable.
Dt5 Generate and talk about their own ideas Dt6 Follow safe procedures.
Dt7 Take account of simple properties of materials when deciding how to cut, shape, combine and join them.
Dt8 Use tools and materials with help.
Dr1 Use role play to explore and engage with characters, situations and events from known stories.
Dr2 Reflect on the situation or character both in and out of role.
Dr3 Respond to other characters in role Dr5 Use different voices in acting.
Dr6 Pretend to be a character, demonstrating emotion through actions and language.
Dr8 Demonstrate their knowledge of the key differences between a play and a story.
Mu1 Use their voices confidently in different ways.
Mu3 Recognise and explore how sounds can be made and changed.
Mu6 Respond appropriately to musical instructions.
Mu7 Respond verbally and physically to different musical moods.
Mu8 Create and choose sounds in response to given starting points.
Mu9 Follow pitch movements with their hands and use high, low and middle voices.
• Learn about bullies and bullying behaviour.
• Understand that bullying is wrong.
PW8 Understand the difference between impulsive and considered behaviour.
PW20 Recognise how their behaviour affects other people.
PW21 Consider different types of teasing and bullying, understand that bullying is wrong and know how to get help to deal with bullying.
Ci1 Recognise the difference between good and bad choices.
HW3 Recognise how attitude and behaviour, including bullying, may affect others.
HW7 Recognise how attitude, behaviour and peer pressure can influence choice and behaviour, including dealing with bullying.
HW11 Recognise how their behaviour and that of others may influence people both positively and negatively.
Ict1 Explore digital resources by using hyperlinks and simple menus.
Ict5 Identify common uses of information technology beyond school.
Ict6 Give instructions to make things happen using programmable devices.
Ict7 Use technology purposefully to create, capture, organise, store, manipulate, retrieve and present digital content.
Ict8 Try alternatives using a range of tools and techniques to alter text, images and sounds.
Ict9 Combine written text with graphics, tables, sound and images and present work appropriately. C1 Recognise and understand that algorithms are implemented as programs on digital devices, executing by following precise and unambiguous instructions.
Knowledge Organisers / Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers
Please download the files below to see our current Knowledge Organiser (WHISK Sheet) and our Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers. These will provide you with a clear overview of all the subjects and learning that will take place in your child’s current theme.
Our current class novel is ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’.
Please keep checking this page for more information, links to useful websites and lots of photographs of our learning.