British Values
Promoting Fundamental British Values
At Kings Meadow Primary School we recognise not only the importance of allowing children to flourish academically, but we also embrace our wider role in preparing them for their adult life beyond the formal examined curriculum. Part of our role in that preparation is ensuring that we promote and reinforce British Values to our children.
The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and at Kings Meadow Primary School these values are reinforced regularly and permeate throughout our school community. In addition, we explicitly teach British Values through assemblies, collective worship, Personal, Social, Health Education & Citizenship (PSHE&C) lessons, Religious Education (RE) lessons and through other pertinent topics across the year groups. We also regularly use ‘Picture News’ a current affairs package for schools which has a key British Values as it’s focus.
The examples that follow are an indication of some of the many ways we seek to embed British Values at Kings Meadow Primary School and should be seen as an indication of our approach rather than an exhaustive list. Further specific activities can be viewed on each individual classes termly topic plans in the ‘Promoting Fundamental British Values’ section.
The key values are:
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths & beliefs
At Kings Meadow Primary School the principle of democracy is consistently reinforced, with the democratic process being employed for important decisions within the school community. Each year the children decide upon their class rules and the rights associated with these. All children contribute to the drawing up of these rules.
Elections that are held for School Council representatives and roles within school: especially in Year 6, are areas of the school where children can see, first hand, how the democratic process works.
From a curricular point of view, the principle of democracy is further explored in both History and Religious Studies. Further examples of democracy and the democratic process are covered as part of assemblies and through visitors e.g.: Our Local MP.
More specifically:
Nursery |
We listen to and respect the opinions of others through our discussions and circle time activities. Some decisions are made as a group. Areas and activities are established based on children’s interests and requests. |
Reception |
We listen to and respect the opinions of others through our discussions and circle time activities. We make important decisions together as we plan out of projects and investigations – (see child initiated planning) We vote using a ‘thumbs up’ card system, for choice of snack, activities, daily planning. We vote for our choice of story using a token system. |
Year One |
All our views and opinions are heard and shared. At the start of each new topic we are asked what we would like to learn throughout our topic. The opinions of the School Council are heard and shared during Circle Time |
Year Two |
We vote for our Class Council and we vote for our class monitors. |
Year Three |
Circle Time to ensure all viewpoints are heard peacefully. We have voted for our School Councillors, ECO Warriors and mini PTA members and respect the majority decision. Within our topics we have learnt about the society of Spain, Ancient Egypt and how it compares to our life in Modern Britain. |
Year Four |
Circle Time to ensure all viewpoints are heard peacefully. We have voted for our School Councillors and respect the majority decision. We have studied the importance of democracy; we will use our knowledge to come up with an election campaign for an imaginary new party. We will consider all the applicants and then hold a ballot to find out the winning candidate. |
Year Five |
We listen patiently and respectfully whilst others are talking and wait for our turn to speak We have voted for our School Councillors and respect the majority decision. We learn about the fight for democracy and human rights in our topic study of Africa during the reading of our class novel – Journey to Jo’burg. We also consider the importance of democracy when we study WWII and the impact that it can have on the life and liberty of individuals when it is removed. |
Year Six |
We have voted for our School Councillors and respect the majority decision. We watch Newsround daily to keep up to date with current affairs and politics. |
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are reinforced daily, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Children are taught from an early age the rules of the school. These are our Golden Rules, Playground Rules and Safety Rules. They are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Service and Lifeguards help reinforce this message.
More specifically…
Nursery |
We learn about the behavioural expectations and how these help to keep us safe. We learn how to take care of our class, resources and each other. Positive behaviour is praised verbally and with stickers. |
Reception |
Together we all help make the class rules to ensure harmony in the classroom; the safety and happiness of everyone. Children take responsibility for areas/jobs in the classroom. We understand health and safety issues for ourselves and others. We love E-safety. We understand the rules for using PC and iPads. Children fully engage in topics – people who help us and learn about help and rescue services. Visits from guests speakers. We learn about ‘stranger danger’ and how to keep ourselves safe. We love our class crown systems – we understand how and why we receive rewards and we are fully aware of high expectations in our class. |
Year One |
Classroom rules, listening rules, lining up rules. We recognise that rules keep us safe. We learn about internet safety and how to keep safe. |
Year Two |
During Circle Time we discuss what is right and wrong. We learn about internet safety and how to keep safe.
During RE we learn about the Ten Commandments and discuss which rules are important/relevant in today’s society. |
Year Three |
We respect our rules and daily reinforcement ensures that we know the difference between right and wrong. We compiled class rules at the beginning of the year. In our topic about Ancient Egypt we studied the class structure and the ultimate rule of the Pharaoh. |
Year Four |
In Circle Time we discuss the difference between right and wrong, including current issues in our country. We adhere to our class rules but change/adapt as issues arise. We learn about how to keep safe online and more about online gaming. |
Year Five |
By collaboratively making class rules we ensure that expectations are met by everyone. Crucial Crew – we learn about the rules and responsibilities that impact on our own safety and the safety of others. During our study of Ainsdale we will consider the Rule of Law in relation to our own environment and the rules that keep us safe where we live. |
Year Six |
James Riley ‘Get away ‘N’ Get Safe’ workshop Learn about how to keep safe outdoors. Lunchtime Monitors look after younger pupils throughout school. We learn how to keep safe online by finding out the age restrictions of frequently used apps and discuss the reasons why these restrictions are in place. We make our own class rules at the start of the year and adhere to these throughout. |
Individual Liberty
At Kings Meadow Primary School, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make informed choices, through a safe environment and an empowering education. Pupils are given the freedom to make choices and become critical thinkers through evaluating, reflecting and collecting valid and reliable evidence to make good decisions, for example: whether it is through choice of challenge; how they record their learning using key skills to present information and communicate ideas; or by choosing to participate in our extra-curricular clubs and opportunities.
Safeguarding our pupils and staff is paramount and PSHE&C/e-Safety lessons aim to equip pupils with the skills to make safe choices. All classes in school are taught about how to keep safe outdoors, indoors and online through the ‘Keeping/Staying Safe’ and ‘Being Responsible’ topics within our One Decision PSHE&C scheme. These topics cover internet safety, fire safety, road safety, water safety, bullying, anti-social behaviour, peer pressure, how to keep safe, looking out for others and more. All content is age appropriate.
All classes have ground rules, which are a very important part of the PSHE&C lessons. This is a class agreement, with a set of rules that are kept to consistently and revisited throughout the lesson. This is one of the main ways to ensure there is a safe teaching and learning environment.
More specifically…
Nursery |
We make choices through our play and independent learning. Children learn about making ‘good choices’ and taking responsibility. Each child is unique. Their abilities and interests are observed and they are supported and encouraged with individual ‘next steps’. These are all documented in their individual ‘Learning Journals’. Children’s own decision making is encouraged in their play and individual choices are encouraged, even in whole class activities such as making cards for a celebration. A ‘can do’ approach is implemented across all areas of the curriculum and daily routines. |
Reception |
We make choices through our play and independent learning. At the beginning of our projects, we plan out our projects and ask lots of questions. This steers our topics and teaching and learning. We decide and make choices about our role-play areas. We plan and create them together. Our ‘kings Meadow dragons’ link to the characteristics of effective learning and help us to Play and explore - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’; Actively learn- children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements; and Create and think critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things. |
Year One |
Freedom of choice during Provision Time. Children recognise good efforts of others and say well done. Choice of class monitors |
Year Two |
We have decided our own Class Rules and know that we are responsible for following them. |
Year Three |
Independent choice of tasks during Activity Time. Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. For example, having viewed 1decision video clips the children are asked to decide from 2 end scenarios who they believe is making the best decision. |
Year Four |
We have an anti-bullying policy which we constantly reinforce and use PSHE&C time for discussion and resolution. |
Year Five |
We challenge stereotypes and bias and look at role models who have challenged ie Martin Luther King Stereotypes covered through identify, society and equality topic (You, Me, PSHE) We demonstrate our individual liberty during our Forest School activities as we direct our learning in our individual areas of interest. We understand the Rule of Law during our Forest School activities as a system that maintains our safety and protects our liberty. |
Year Six |
Choices regarding internet/drug/alcohol use. Covered through the drugs and tobacco education topics (You, Me, PSHE) PSHE lessons such as Being Responsible and how to make decisions for oneself. Circle Time to discuss self-esteem and self-confidence. Discussing the ‘Picture News’ question fortnightly. |
Mutual Respect
Respect is at the core of our school ethos and is modelled by children and staff alike. The school promotes respect for others and this is reiterated through our classroom and learning environments. In line with our commitment to democracy children at Kings Meadow Primary School are always able to voice their opinions and we foster an environment where children are safe to disagree with each other. Mutual respect is embraced throughout the curriculum from the concept of ‘fair play’ in PE to the Year 6 / Reception buddy system which promote mutual respect and support between children across different year groups within the school.
More specifically…
Nursery |
Respect of each other is modelled between all of the adults within the setting through adult to adult interactions. Adults have respectful interactions with children. Stories are used to explore behaviour between characters and how a particular character may behave and the impact on other characters is discussed. During the processes of learning to share and take turns, our children are encouraged to empathise with others and to understand the feelings of the other person if they have not behaved in a respectful way. Possible alternative actions are discussed and phrases modelled to support the children. Children are encouraged to take turns in speaking and to listen to others. Children share their different family experiences and value placed on them. |
Reception |
Children participate in weekly ‘Philosophy Bear’ sessions. Children discuss, listen, think and share their thoughts and ideas as they are asked a big question. Children are encouraged to agree/disagree and reflect upon to their opinions at the end of discussions. The big questions are shared with families and children respect that all have different views, ideas and opinions. WOW – Parents complete a ‘WOW’ leaf at home to add onto our ‘tree of achievements’. Parents write about something they are proud of from, their children getting dressed independently to becoming a new big brother etc. We share these with each other and this fosters love, appreciation and respect for families. |
Year One |
We hold discussions where we are able to give our opinion, we learn to understand that it is alright to have a different opinion to others. |
Year Two |
During circle time we have class discussions on current issues (such as: Should MacDonald’s ban plastic straws?) and we will always listen to and respect the opinion of others. |
Year Three |
We can gain crowns if we remember our considerate behaviour, kindness and good manners. We learn about animals and plants in science lessons and how to care for them. We have made a Bug Motel and planted a wild life area to show respect for our environment. |
Year Four |
During circle time/PSHE lessons we have discuss the importance of respect and how we develop a respectful environment. We have discussed the importance of rewarding our peers and celebrating their success. |
Year Five |
We work collaboratively as a team, promoting mutual respect for all. We consider how to respond with respect during a debate to discuss the future for Ainsdale as part of our study of the local area. We also consider how to accept different opinions when we answer our topic question – Is it right to fight? As part of our study of WWII |
Year Six |
We discuss the School Games Values and incorporate these into our PE lessons. We are role models to our buddies in Reception class. Through the One Decision unit ‘A World Without Judgement’ we explore mutual respect. |
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Kings Meadow Primary actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. Religious Education lessons and PSHE&C lessons reinforce messages of acceptance and respect for others. This will equip children with the ability to understand their place in a culturally diverse society by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity within the school community. Our Religious Studies curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.
More specifically…
Nursery |
Books, stories and other resources are selected to reflect different cultures. Similarities and differences between different cultural celebrations are discussed and highlighted. Foods associated with other cultures and cultural celebrations are provided for snack or prepared in food technology activities. Different family structures are discussed and valued. Differences and similarities between individuals are discussed. Individual strengths and talents are celebrated. Differences are promoted as natural in society and celebrated as enriching our society e.g. through stories such as Elmer. Resources, dressing up outfits, types of play and circle songs promote inclusivity and individuality and adaptations are made to reflect modern society and relationship structures. |
Reception |
We create an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and children are engaged with the wider community. Children acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures; know about similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, faiths, communities, cultures and traditions and share and discuss practices, celebrations and experiences. We share books and stories from a range of faiths – we develop role-play areas and resources and allow children to explore further. We encourage and explain the importance of tolerant behaviours such as sharing and respecting other’s opinions and this is through our consistent approach and high expectations maintained by the Reception team. We approach this through role-play, puppets, stories etc. Our British Values working wall promotes diverse attitudes and challenges stereotypes, for example, by sharing stories/photographs and scenarios that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences challenging gender, cultural and racial stereotyping. We scribe and annotate children’s views onto the board as children will ask each other, ‘the big question!’ We encourage the children to come back and reflect on their views and change their views if they wish! |
Year One |
We consider the similarities and differences between two chosen religions |
Year Two |
During RE we compare and contrast Christian and Muslim Celebrations. |
Year Three |
We learn about Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism as part of our world religion studies within Religious Education. We visit our local church at Harvest and Christmas. Circle Time challenging disrespectful behaviour promotes understanding. We encourage open and honest questions and answers of individual home life. |
Year Four |
In RE we discuss differences of faith, ethnicity, disability and families. |
Year Five |
We work collaboratively as a team, promoting mutual respect for all. We give consideration to the representation of faith within our local area when we study Ainsdale. We learn about the Jewish faith and place of worship in our R.E and during our study of WWII |
Year Six |
In RE we learn about different faiths. Through the One Decision module ‘Differences Within Religion’ we compare and contrast different religious beliefs and customs. |