E-Safety Information
Safer Internet Day 9th February 2021
Lockdown 2021
During these challenging times, children are spending more time using technology at home.
It is important that your child knows how to keep safe online and knows how to respond to any challenges.
Remember to keep monitoring what your children are accessing.
Complete this activities together and discuss ways to keep safe online.
Job Vacancies - September 2019
E-Safety Officers
We are looking for a responsible group of Year 6 pupils to promote and ensure E-Safety at Kings Meadow Primary School.
I will be visiting Year 6 to discuss the job role and responsibilities.
Please complete your application forms and return to Miss. Yates.
Closing Date: Friday 20th September at 1.00pm.
New Government Guidance - Supporting schools to teach their pupils how to stay safe online - June 2019
WhatsApp -Should Parents Be Concerned?
E-Safety Parent Workshop 14.2.19
Thank you to all of the parents who attended our E-Safety Workshop.
It was wonderful for our children to share all of our E-Safety tips and key messages. We really do value your feedback and support.
We will build upon our workshops and your ideas to ensure that every child knows how to keep safe through technology.
E-Safety Parent Workshop 14.2.19
E-Safety Alerts for Parents
Talk About E-Safety Together!
Communication is KEY!
Can your child answer the following questions about E-Safety?
1. If you felt uncomfortable about anything you saw, or if anybody asked you for your personal details such as your address on the internet would you know where to go for help?
2. If anybody sent you hurtful messages on the internet or on your mobile phone would you know who to tell?
3. Can you tell me one of the rules your school has for using the internet?
4. Can you describe the risks of posting inappropriate content on the internet?
E-safety is an integral part of children’s education in today’s digital world and is embedded in their learning at school. We also want to help our parents and children improve their own understanding of e-safety issues so they can learn to use the internet and all digital media in a safe and secure way.
You can download the DofE advice for parents on cyberbullying...
You can access the DofE online parents support website called Parent Info...
Setting up your devices safely - Check out these top tips!
Online Safety Guidance for Parents
Progression In E-Safety Skills at Kings Meadow Primary
Meet Our E-Safety Officers
E-Safety Officers
In our school we have an E-Safety Team of children from Year 6. They are passionate and determined to promote E-safety skills at Kings Meadow Primary School. They wear their E-Safety badges with pride as they are on duty at all times. Our school children know that they can go the E-safety team for advice, guidance and support.
The E-Safety team meet on a weekly basis to discuss updates, review games/apps to provide up-to-date information for our children.
We aim to ensure that EVERY child can explain how they can keep themselves safe online.
How will we do it?
By auditing the children's use of technology at home, use of social media and online games.
By providing advice, support and age recommendations.
By providing workshops for children to keep updated with new trends and risks.
By promoting positive use of technology and being outstanding role-models!