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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success


Kings Meadow Primary School is committed to providing excellence for children of all abilities. High attendance and good punctuality are essential for children to work to their potential, be successful and benefit from the opportunities available to them at the school. For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly.


Achieving high attendance is a necessity in preparing a child for future working life as an adult. Children should be at the school, on time and every day that the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. 


If a child is absent parents should:

  • Contact the school between 8:15-8:45am on the first day of absence to speak to a member of our Office Team. The dedicated telephone number is 01704 578512.
  • Parent/carers may also call into the school and report to office staff, who will arrange for a member of staff to speak with them.
  • For absences that exceed three days some form of medical evidence is required; this can be in the form of a Doctor’s note/copy prescription/sight of prescribed medication, etc.
  • If your child has attendance below 90%, they are considered Persistently Absent (PA). If your child is PA you will be asked to provide evidence for every absence or it will be recorded as Unauthorised. Unauthorised absence can lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued by the Local Authority. 


For more detailed information about our attendance and punctuality procedures, please see our Attendance & Punctuality Policy and supporting documents below:





