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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

School Council

Queenscourt Hospice - Members of Year 3 class organised the collection of goodwill messages from Kings Meadow pupils to go into a book of positive thoughts for people residing at Queenscourt.

School Council take care of our wild flower corner and mini beast bug motel. i f you are lucky you might catch a glimpse of a hedgehog having a rest in our specially prepared snuggle spot.

School Council members prepare the ground for planting flowers and shrubs

Kings Meadow School Council proudly supported a group of children who raised awareness about the disease SEPSIS. We had an amazing response to the challenges to collect as much money as possible over a week. Well done to everyone who took part.

Children at Kings Meadow supported the fund raising for our SEPSIS appeal by buying cakes from the whole school cake sale. Here we can see some of the children enjoying a tasty treat.

Kings Meadow has been raising money for the charity, 'Go Orange for a day' in support of the charity for Muscular Dystrophy.

Our School Council has been elected for 2018 2019. Congratulations to our latest members.

School Council

Elections have taken place and we now have the  new School Council. Congratulations to everyone.


September 2018 - School Council members tidy the grounds as Autumn approaches and the leaves begin to fall.

Love My Community


Friday 10th February

Support Queenscourt Hospice

Bring £1.00 and wear odd shoes to school.


At Kings Meadow we are learning to be part of our community.

Here are some of the projects we are involved with and fund raising activities we support.

Harvest – collecting food

Choir - singing Christmas carols at the local Methodist church

Year 5 produced poppy art work inspired by the artist Carol Nelson for Remembrance commemorations. The work was displayed in Ainsdale Methodist Church Hall.

We are part of the SLP – ‘Southport Learning Partnership’. We are continuing with the project ‘Helping Hands’.

Here, we support the Senior Citizens of our community together with other local schools.

Our first meeting took place at Meols Cop High School to meet other School Council members and generate ideas for the year ahead.

Kings Meadow pupils joined the Senior Citizens at Ainsdale Community Centre for a delightful Christmas lunch. Afterwards they distributed cards from members of our school. New friends were made across the generations.

Members of the School Council went to Meols Cop High School to meet other school representatives and discuss this year's Southport Learning Partnersip (SLP) group ideas. Kings Meadow Primary School will be continuing with the Helping Hands project which focuses on supporting Senior Citizens in our local area.

Helping Hands Project

'Helping Hands' SLP Community Project

Kings Meadow Primary School are taking part in an exciting ongoing project called 'Helping Hands' which supports the Senior Citizens in our community. On Thursday 24th March members of our School Council attended an Easter Lunch at Ainsdale Methodist Community Centre. Our school made Easter cards and baked cakes which were distributed during the luncheon. They were very much appreciated by all the attending senior citizens. Other schools taking part in our project cluster group were Birkdale Boys Jazz band, Ainsdale St John's dancers and Shoreside and Kew Woods Bonnet Parade.

'Love my Community

Kings Meadow School took part in a project to support our local Foodbank. Along with other schools we had a Mufti day on Friday 12th February 2016 with the theme of 'Love my Community 'where we collected contributions of food and also accepted donations of money. As you can see from the photographs, your generation to this worthwhile cause has been exceptional. Many thanks on behalf of the School Council to everyone who supported us on a very successful day.

On Monday 15th June pupils from Kings Meadow Primary school spent an enjoyable time at Ainsdale Methodist Community Centre. During  luncheon club the children entertained   a group of senior citizens with  some lovely singing and then gave out collaged cards and some delicious homemade peppermint creams and coconut-ice sweets.

Kings Meadow - Helping Hands Project

Rubbish Friends - Poster Competition

Travis Bennett came runner up in a poster competition about litter. His poster will now be seen on the sides of local bin lorries and litter bins. Travis is pictured here during the presentation at St Patrick's Primary School in Churchtown.  Councillor Patricia Keith and Charlotte Thompson, a memeber of the school council were present along with the winner from St Patrick's and a 2nd place pupil from Merefield.

Service Above Self competition

Judges will be visiting on 20th May and School Council members will be able to tell them about the projects we have been involved in over the last twelve months at Kings Meadow Primary School.

Categories include,

People less Fortunate

Senior Citizens


Other examples

We look forward to sharing with the judges how much we enjoy being part of the local community and within the Southport Learning Partnership group supporting our Senior Citizens through the, 'Helping Hands' project.

Tree Planting in the school Grounds

The School Council are once again working hard to support the Rotary club in Southport by agreeing to take part in the competition, Serice Above Self. It involves finding ways to help or support these key areas,


People less Fortunate

Senior Citizens

The Evironment

Other Examples


Already we have examples of good works going on in school to report on,


Harvest donations for Community distribution

 Coffee morning for MacMillan Cancer support

Roald Dahl Day where money was raised for this foundation

More recently we have participated in the Walk to School week to help the environment as well as the health benefits.


Things happening soon include the November Poppy Appeal - School Council members will shortly be selling poppies so please give us your support.


Children in Need smiley

Plans are underway for Friday 14th November

The theme this year is about being a Hero.

In school we will be having a Superhero Fancy dress mufti day.

There will be colouring competitions for each year group.

An afternoon costume parade.

Big Writing Friday will feature all your favourite Super Hero Characters.

More details to follow.


