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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Year 1

Welcome to our Year 1 Class Page


Welcome to the Spring term!  We have completed lots of fantastic learning over the Autumn term and enjoyed some fabulous Christmas events.  We are excited to continue our learning and to continue our theme 'Unity in the Community'.


Year 1 Teaching Team

Mrs Beesley – Class Teacher

Mrs Fleming – Teaching Assistant

Miss Rodriguez – Teaching Assistant


Physical Education Reminders

P.E kits are required on a Monday (Dance) & Wednesday (P.E.)


Homework Reminders

On a Tuesday the children will be given homework and spellings, the Homework book should be returned to school by Friday.  Children should aim to read and learn spellings on a daily basis.  The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Monday.  Please send the red spelling book back to school so new spellings can be added.


Year 1 Reading

Please ensure your child’s reading book and dairy are in school daily as we do not have set days to listen to the children read.  Books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday.


Curriculum Information

This year at Kings Meadow, in a change to our curriculum, we have developed new themes and learning sequences to inspire our children that ‘LEARNING MEANS THE WORLD’! Information about our new ‘Dimensions’ Curriculum can be found in the Curriculum section of this website. The following information is specific to Year 1.

In Year 1 we are ‘PATHFINDERS’.  Through our teaching, and the experiences we offer, this year our children will learn how to become:

INNOTIVE – I can find new ways of doing things.

DECISIVE - I can respond appropriately to instructions.

CREATIVE – I can share my ideas and experiences with others and as part of a group.

INDEPENDENT – I am not afraid to ‘have a go’.


Current Curriculum Theme

Our current theme is “Unity in the Community”.  Unity in the Community is a thematic unit about the area you live in, with a geography focus. Pupils will develop their geographical skills, local knowledge and understanding through learning about their school, the features of its grounds, the surrounding area and how it has changed over time. They will be taught all about the importance of acting responsibly within both the school and the wider community.


Curriculum Breadth

The other subjects included in this thematic unit are art, dance, drama, ICT / computing, literacy, maths, music, PSHE, speaking and listening and science. Breadth comes, not only from the range of subjects cov­ered, but also from their careful integration, leading to more connected thinking. Global Dimensions help pupils develop a wider perspective and understand the links between their own lives and those of people around the globe, as well as understanding their own place in the worldwide community.


Curriculum Depth

Learning Means the World puts great emphasis on curriculum depth. We focus on common attributes that ensure provision of a deep curriculum and use them to underpin our thematic units. We consider these to be: - meaning and relevance; cohesion; opportunities for inquiry; development of critical, creative and high order thinking skills; integration of subjects; provision of access to information from a range of sources and viewpoints; authenticity of end products.  Through elements such as Catalyst Questions, Pupil-Led Activities and Essential Learning Experiences (ELEs), teachers can thus ensure a greater depth of learning

In this theme we will cover the following Learning Objectives:



Ge1 Explore and discover the interesting features of the local environment

Ge3 Recognise and observe main human and physical features

Ge5 Express their own views about features of the environment

Ge6 Communicate in di­fferent ways using simple geographical information and vocabulary

Ge7 Use simple field work skills Ge8 Use globes, maps and plans

Ge9 Make simple plans



Sc1 Suggest what might happen and perform simple tests

Sc2 Explore using senses and record fi­ndings in simple ways

Sc3 Collect evidence to try to answer a question

Sc4 Make simple comparisons through observation

Sc5 Identify and classify based on simple criteria



Ar7 Respond to ideas

Ar8 Make changes to their own work

Ar10 Painting Use different brush sizes and types

Ar13 3D-Form Manipulate materials in a variety of ways e.g. rolling, kneading, folding and shaping



• Understand our role in the class community

• How to contribute to the life of the classroom

HW13 Listen to and show consideration for other people’s views HW15 Listen to, reflect on and respect other people’s views and feelings

HW20 Work independently and in groups, taking on different roles and collaborating towards common goals

Ci1 Recognise the difference between good and bad choices

 Ci3 Consider ways of looking after the school or community and how to care for the local environment

Ci4 Identify the importance of rules and be able to say why rules applying to them are necessary

Ci5 Express views and take part in decision-making activities to improve their immediate environment or community



Mu1 Use their voices confi­dently in different ways

Mu3 Recognise and explore how sounds can be made and changed

Mu5 Identify long and short sounds in music

 Mu6 Respond appropriately to musical instructions

Mu8 Create and choose sounds in response to given starting points



• Use the ‘repeat’ (loop) and ‘when’ (conditional statement) command within a series of instructions • Plan a short ‘story’ for a sprite and write the commands for this

• Edit / refine a sequence of commands

C1 Recognise and understand that algorithms are implemented as programs on digital devices, executing by following precise and unambiguous instructions


Knowledge Organisers / Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers

Please download the files below to see our current Knowledge Organiser (WHISK Sheet) and our Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers. These will provide you with a clear overview of all the subjects and learning that will take place in your child’s current theme.


Our current class novel is ‘Dogger’.


Please keep checking this page for more information, links to useful websites and lots of photographs of our learning.

