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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 Class Page


We have a very exciting year of learning ahead of us. We hope that the following information about our curriculum and routines will help you and your child settle into Elm Class.


Year 3 Teaching Team

Miss Pearson and Miss Adkins – Class Teachers (Mon-Wed/ Wed-Fri)

Mrs Mehdikhani and Mrs Holland - Teaching Assistant (Mon- Fri)

Academic Mentor - Mr Walker (Mornings)



Physical Education Reminders

P.E kits are required to be worn to school on a Monday (Dance) & Thursday (P.E.).

During the Summer term we will be swimming on a Tuesday, please remember full swimming kits.

Homework Reminders

On a Tuesday the children will be given homework, the Homework book should be returned to school by Friday.  Children should aim to read and learn spellings on a daily basis. 

The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Monday, new spellings will also be issued on a Monday. Please ensure the spelling book is returned to school for lists to be updated and spelling scores to be added weekly. 

Year 3 Reading

Books are issued from the schools reading scheme. Books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday of each week. Please send books into school so that we can also read with your child in school and update the Reading Record with reading completed at home.

In addition to the school reading scheme, we also have our own dedicated Year 3 ‘in class’ library. It is well stocked with a range of fiction books, short novels and non-fiction books. The ‘You Choose’ library has been very popular with the children so far. They can select their own book and are learning to develop their personal tastes and preferences. They have quiet reading time to encourage ‘reading for enjoyment and relaxation’. This will be of great benefit as they transition into Year 4 where they will start to access Accelerated Reading, which draws on more independent reading skills.

Curriculum Information

This year at Kings Meadow, in a change to our curriculum, we have developed new themes and learning sequences to inspire our children that ‘LEARNING MEANS THE WORLD’! Information about our new ‘Dimensions’ Curriculum can be found in the Curriculum section of this website. The following information is specific to Year 3.

In Year 3 we are ‘ADVENTURERS’.  Through our teaching, and the experiences we offer, this year our children will learn how to become:

BRAVE I can take responsibility, showing confidence in myself and my contribution to the group.

RESILIENT - I am prepared to try things out even if they might not work.

RISK-TAKERS I can adapt my ideas as circumstances change.

PREPARED - I can propose practical ways forward, breaking these down into small, manageable steps.


Current Curriculum Theme

Our current theme is ‘May The Force Be With You’. 

“May the Force Be With You ” is a thematic unit based around magnets and forces, with a key focus

on science. It begins with learning about contact and non-contact forces before focusing on magnets. Pupils will learn about magnetic forces and the relevance of magnetic North and South


Curriculum Breadth

The other subjects included in this thematic unit are art, design technology, literacy, science, music, maths and PSHE. Breadth comes, not only from the range of subjects covered, but also from their careful integration, leading to more connected thinking. Global Dimensions help pupils develop a wider perspective and understand the links between their own lives and those of people around the globe, as well as understanding their own place in the worldwide community.


Curriculum Depth

Dimensions Curriculum puts great emphasis on curriculum depth. We focus on common attributes that ensure provision of a deep curriculum and use them to underpin our thematic units.

We consider these to be:-

meaning and relevance; cohesion; opportunities for inquiry; development of critical, creative and high order thinking skills; integration of subjects; provision of access to information from a range of sources and viewpoints; authenticity of end products.

Through elements such as ‘Making it Real!’, Catalyst Questions and Essential Learning Experiences (ELEs), teachers can then ensure a greater depth of learning.




In this theme we will cover the following Learning Objectives:

Sc15 Ask relevant questions
Sc16 With help, set up and carry out simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests
Sc17 Suggest what might happen in comparative and fair tests
Sc18 Make careful observations and comparisons
Sc19 Recognise what constitutes a fair test
Sc20 Identify simple patterns, changes, similarities and differences
Sc21 Make measurements using standard units
Sc22 Discuss and describe findings
Sc23 Communicate findings using simple scientific language in written explanations, drawings, labelled
diagrams, keys, bar charts or tables
Sc24 Use results to draw simple conclusions

Ar34 Modelling and Sculpting Research, plan, design and make models
Ar35 Find out about artists, architects and designers
Ar45 Modelling and Sculpting Work with a degree of independence
Ar48 Design and create images and artefacts in response to their personal ideas

Dr17 Experiment with their voices and movement, to create or present different characters in performance
Dr18 Recognise how improvements can be made to their own and others’ performances
Dr21 Use their voices and bodies to create characters and atmospheres, employing language appropriate
to the role or character through improvised dramas

Mu22 Improvise repeated patterns
Mu23 Compose and perform simple melodies and accompaniments recognising different musical
elements and how they can be used together to compose music
Mu24 Explore sounds using symbols and ICT
Mu26 Recognise and explore different combinations of pitch sounds
Mu29 Perform with control and awareness of audience

Ci12 Recognise the importance of local organisations in providing for the needs of the local community
Ci16 Make decisions, giving consideration to the impact they may have on others
HW6 Recognise and manage risk in everyday activities
HW26 Take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others and be able to seek help in an
PW38 Extend strategies to cope with risky situations
PW39 Behave safely and responsibly in different situations

SL8 Organise and shape what they say, selecting relevant ideas and using appropriate vocabulary to
interest listeners
SL10 Identify the main points of what has been said and ask questions to clarify meaning
SL11 Reflect on their own and others’ speech and investigate how it varies

C4 Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specifc goals, including controlling or simulating
physical systems
C5 Solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
C6 Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs
C7 Work with variables and various forms of input and output
C8 Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in
algorithms and programs



Knowledge Organisers / Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers

Please download the files below to see our current Knowledge Organiser (WHISK Sheet) for Parents / Carers. It will provide you with a clear overview of all the subjects and learning that will take place in your child’s current theme.



Our class novel is The Iron Man, by Ted Hughes.

