Speech and Language
Useful Websites
RADLD - Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder Welcome to RADLD.ORG, created to Raise Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder or ‘DLD’. Here you will learn more about DLD, access resources and find out how to raise awareness.
DLD and me Our goal is to raise awareness about developmental language disorder (DLD) and to offer support and resources for parents, teachers and individuals impacted by DLD.
Speech and Language UK We want a world where all children have the communication skills they need to fulfil their potential. We’re working towards this vision by: Offering practical help for parents who are concerned about their child Empowering early years and school professionals through training, support and information Running outreach programmes in the community Developing intervention programmes for delivery in over 5,000 nurseries and schools across the UK
Listening Books An audiobook lending charity for those that find their illness, mental health, physical or learning disability affects their ability to read the printed word or hold a book.
Useful Information
Typical Stages of Language Development Our guide to the typical stages of speech and language development in babies, children and young people. Children develop language at different rates. However, understanding what is typical can help you identify speech and language problems early. You can also find out how to help your child learn to talk and develop their communication skills.
Useful Resources
Sesame Street: Name That Emotion with Murray!
Do you know a lot about emotions and feelings? Great, then you're ready to play "Name That Emotion." In this game, you must try to figure out what emotion our contestants are feeling. Is the chicken excited? Is the tiger happy? Is the octopus excited?
Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit Our Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit contains advice, activities and general resources to help with the development of children and young people's speech, language and communication skills.
Chatter Pack Free Speech and Language resources