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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Phonics & Reading

At Kings Meadow Primary School we follow Read Write Inc for our Phonics lessons.  Children benefit from daily phonics in small groups with a whole class session on a Friday.  This page gives you some information about the scheme we use and how you can support your child at home.  Children benefit from reading small amounts daily and so we encourage you to regularly read with your child at home and discuss with them what they have read to check for understanding.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any questions or require any further support.

Parent video: Understanding Phonics

This video explains what Phonics is and why we teach it.

Read Write Inc Parent Video

This video gives you some information about the Read Write Inc the Phonics scheme we follow here at Kings Meadow.

Parent video: How to say the sounds

This video demonstrates how we teach your child to pronounce the sounds taught in Phonics lessons.

Parent video: The Phonics Screening Check

This video contains some information about the National Phonics Screening Check that all Year 1 children are required to take.

Below there are three documents which will support your child's phonics learning.  They are support sheets for Set 1, 2 and 3 speed sounds.  The children begin on Set 1 speed sounds in Reception and progress through to the end of Set 3 in Key Stage 1.  These practice sheets cover all the sounds that the children are taught in school across the three sets of sounds and have examples of real and alien words for them to practice 'Fred Talking' and blending back together.

Useful weblinks for Phonics:

