Kings Meadow Maths Curriculum Overviews
Theme Objectives
SEND and EAL Adaptations
Maths Vocabulary Progression
Stem Sentences
Why are stem sentences in maths important?
Stem sentences are crucial in a child's learning journey, as they allow them to visualise and understand a maths problem or concept better. This forms part of the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) sequence of learning.
Parents' Guide To End Of Year Expectations
Maths – the Universal Language
'Every Mathematician at Kings Meadow will be fluent, resilient and confident'
Daily Arithmetic Sessions
Daily Arithmetic Maths sessions take place throughout KS1 and KS2 and are in addition to maths lessons. The sessions aim to give pupils time outside the maths lesson to work on mental strategies, example arithmetic questions and consolidate number strategies they have already learned.
These can be delivered in a number of ways:
- Counting
- Multiplication and Division - This includes learning and consolidating times tables and division facts
- Number Sense - This can include puzzles, problems, number work, maths games and speed tests for addition, multiplication, subtraction and division.
These sessions last 10-15 minutes and aim at building confidence whilst working at a quicker pace!
Times Tables
As you may be aware from the media and our school website the importance of times tables in the mathematics curriculum has been given greater emphasis and importance since the new curriculum was launched in 2014/15.
As a school we have recognised the importance of mental maths capabilities for some time and in a commitment to improving the children’s mental maths skills we have Mental Arithmetic sessions in addition to maths lessons in Years 1 to 6.
The curriculum requires children to know their tables up to twelve by the end of Year 4. In school we encourage times tables practise through singing, chanting, counting and a variety of games. Resources can be found on the school website through the mathematics curriculum and school development pages.
We have therefore introduced Times Table Rockstars into every class from Year 1 to Year 6.
Every child has their own log in and they can access TT Rockstars via the following link:
Every two weeks, the Top 3 children who have played the most minutes, made the biggest improvement in speed and made the biggest improvement in accuracy across the school will be presented with a certificate in assembly!
BIG Maths
BIG Maths forms an integral part of BIG Fridays here at Kings Meadow! In Years 2-6 children complete a skills check to practise working with number. During the first session in the morning children complete the activity. The children use prompt booklets to remind them of strategies they can use to calculate the correct answers.
In the afternoon the children work in groups to go over concepts to help them improve the skills that they found the hardest.
To motivate the children, the results are banded; red, yellow or green. This is then tracked and all children aim towards ‘Going Green’. The skills check has helped give children confidence and essential time to consolidate number skills they have been learning.
We are delighted to receive the Smart Money Award from HSBC to recognise the work that we have done to support our students with their understanding of money and finance. Every child in school has taken part in a workshop over the last year and we are looking forward to welcoming HSBC back into school later this year to deliver further workshops for our children.
My Money Week
This year, we were supported by materials from the Money Sense website.
Classes looked at a variety of money related resources which included deciding whether to spend or save money and the difference between credit and debit. Some classes looked at the many different ways that we can pay and the advantages and disadvantages of these ways. Whilst reception set up their own shop and were supported by their buddies in buying items!
The children really enjoyed the activities and taught them a lot about dealing with money!
MY MONEY WEEK 11th-15th June
This year we were supported by Natwest Bank as part of the annual My Money Week initiative.
Children in each year group completed a task supported by the bank workers.
Years 1 and 2 completed an activity called 'How We Use Money'
Years 3 and 4 had to budget for a party in an activity called 'It's Party Time'
Years 5 and 6 became detectives in an activity called 'Fraud Scene Investigators'.
The children really enjoyed the activities which helped to develop their understanding of money in the real world!
Ainsdale Show Enterprise Project
As part of the Ainsdale Show, children in school were given the chance to run a game on the Kings Meadow stall to try and raise money for school.
In school, each class were given a £20 budget so that they could make their game and also buy prizes that could be won!
Each class were given an hour time slot during the Ainsdale Show.
Once back in school, children were given the chance to count their takings and work out their net profit. T
The games were:
Year 1: Pot Luck
Year 2: Prize Pong
Year 3: Speed Stacks
Year 4: Panning for Gold
Year 5: Play Your Cards Right
Year 6: Bat The Splat
After expenses ,the results were as follows:
1st – Year 1
2nd – Year 6
3rd – Year 2
= - Year 4
5th – Year 5
6th – Year 3
The school managed to raise a grand total of £99.16
Well done to everybody and good luck for next year!!