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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 Class Page


We have a very exciting year of learning ahead of us. We hope that the following information about our curriculum and routines will help you and your child settle into Ash Class.


Year 5 Teaching Team

Miss. Bee – Class Teacher

Mrs. Parker – Teaching Assistant


Physical Education Reminders

P.E kits are required on a Monday (Dance) & Wednesday (P.E.)

During the Spring term we will be swimming on a Tuesday, please remember full swimming kits.


Homework Reminders

On a Tuesday the children will be given homework and spellings, the Homework book should be returned to school by Friday.  Children should aim to read and learn spellings on a daily basis.  The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Monday and a multiplication quiz during the week.


Curriculum Information

This year at Kings Meadow, in a change to our curriculum, we have developed new themes and learning sequences to inspire our children that ‘LEARNING MEANS THE WORLD’! Information about our new ‘Dimensions’ Curriculum can be found in the Curriculum section of this website. The following information is specific to Year 5.

In Year 5 we are ‘NAVIGATORS’.  Through our teaching, and the experiences we offer, this year our children will learn how to become:

LEADERS - I try to influence others, negotiating and balancing different views to reach workable solutions.

ABLE TO APPLY SKILLS - I can use previously acquired knowledge and skills to help complete a new task.

OVERCOMERS - I can work towards goals, showing initiative and without giving up.

FOCUSED - I can look closely at information, judging its importance and value.

Current Curriculum Theme

Our current theme is: ‘You're Not Invited’

“You’re Not Invited” is a thematic unit, based around invaders with a key focus on history. It begins
by looking at the concept of invasion, before focusing especially on the Romans, learning about important
Roman figures and their reasons for invading other countries. Pupils will also learn about sources of
evidence and their reliability.

Current Breadth

The other subjects included in this thematic unit are art, drama, design technology, speaking and
listening, ICT / computing, literacy, maths, science and music. Breadth comes, not only from the range
of subjects offered, but also from their careful integration, leading to more connected thinking. Global
Dimensions help pupils develop a wider perspective and understand the links between their own lives and
those of people around the globe, as well as understanding their place in the worldwide community.

Curriculum Depth

Learning Means the World puts great emphasis on curriculum depth. We focus on common attributes that
ensure provision of a deep curriculum and use them to underpin our thematic units.
We consider these to be:- meaning and relevance; cohesion; opportunities for inquiry; development of
critical, creative and high order thinking skills; integration of subjects; provision of access to information
from a range of sources and viewpoints; authenticity of end products. Through elements such as Catalyst
Questions, Pupil-Led Activities and Essential Learning Experiences (ELEs), teachers can thus ensure a greater
depth of learning.

In this theme we will cover the following Learning Objectives: 


Hi32 Investigate the characteristic features of, and changes within, periods of history
Hi33 Devise historically valid questions about change, similarity and di?erence and investigate to ?nd
possible answers
Hi34 Investigate events in the past using primary and secondary sources
Hi35 Identify and describe reasons for and results of historical events, situations and changes
Hi36 Recognise primary and secondary sources
Hi37 Identify and describe the effects of some economic, technological and scientifc developments
Hi38 Place events, people and changes into correct periods of time
Hi39 Use dates and vocabulary relating to the passing of time, including ancient, modern, CE, BC, BCE, AD,
century and decade
Hi40 Interpret historical evidence
Hi41 Select and organise relevant historical information, making appropriate use of dates and terms


Ar75 Compare and comment on ideas, methods and approaches used in their own and others’ work,
beginning to relate these to intention, in order to adapt and improve outcomes
Ar84 3-D Form - Use recycled, natural and man-made materials to create sculpture
Ar85 3-D Form - Plan a sculpture through drawing and other preparatory work
Ar86 Design and create images and artefacts in response to personal ideas and for clearly de?ned
purposes by selecting and developing techniques and using a range of materials


N2 Skills
Dt44 Explore alternative ways of making their product, if first attempts fail
Dt45 Check work as it develops and modify as necessary
Dt46 Evaluate their products, identifying strengths and areas for development, and make appropriate
Dt47 Draw on and use various sources of information, including ICT sources
Dt48 Generate and clarify ideas for products, considering intended purpose
Dt49 Plan what they have to do, suggesting a sequence of actions and alternatives if needed
Dt50 Choose how to communicate design ideas as they develop, considering use and purpose
Dt51 Select from a wide range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks accurately


Knowledge Organisers / Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers

Please download the files below to see our current Knowledge Organiser (WHISK Sheet) and our Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers. These will provide you with a clear overview of all the subjects and learning that will take place in your child’s current theme.

Please keep checking this page for more information, links to useful websites and lots of photographs of our learning.


Our current class novel is ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis.

