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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

SEND Information


Hello, my name is Miss Karen O'Brien, and I am the SENDCO and Deputy Headteacher at Kings Meadow Primary School.  Our school SEND Governor is Mrs Janette Hutchings.


At Kings Meadow, we also have a highly successful Speech and Language Resourced Provision, which runs alongside our mainstream classes.  The Resourced Provision caters for ten children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), highlighting Speech and Language/Communication and Interaction, as the primary area of need.  To also be considered for the Resourced Provision, each child must be currently open to Speech and Language Therapy services.


Our experienced staff are highly skilled in supporting pupils with special educational needs.  We are a highly inclusive school that embraces neurodiversity, and aims to develop the whole child.  We use an holistic and well-being approach.


If you require any further information please contact me at the school or by telephone - 01704 578512 

or by email where I would be delighted to answer any questions or queries.



Information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Governing bodies of mainstream schools have the following legal duties under the Children and Families Act 2014.


They must:

• cooperate with the local authority in developing the local offer;

• ensure the school produce and publish online its School SEN Information Report in accordance with section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014; 

• ensure the school has arrangements in place to support children with medical conditions (section 100 Children and Families Act 2014)


Sefton Local Offer and Disabled Children's Database

Barnardo's Sefton SENDIASS

Barnardo's Sefton SENDIAS Service offer a wide range of advice and support around various topics relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for children and young people aged 0-25 living in the Sefton Area District and their families.


If you would like to get in touch, please contact via:


Telephone Number – 0333 323 8003


Email –


School Health

Useful Information


At Kings Meadow Primary, we offer targeted interventions (class-based and stand alone), according to the needs of the child.  


These interventions include:


  • Extra Reading Support
  • Read, Write Inc. Phonics Programme
  • Fresh Start Phonics
  • Time to Talk Programme
  • WellComm
  • NELI Programme
  • Spelling Intervention
  • Small group work
  • Five Bricks
  • 1:1 Occupational Therapy individual programmes
  • 1:1 Speech Therapy individual programmes
  • Lego Therapy

Speech & Language Resourced Provision


Miss Karen O’Brien is the Leader of the Resourced Provision alongside Ms Jessica Moscrip; Speech and Language Therapist.  Our school Speech and Language specialist, Mrs Joanne Moir,  delivers the Speech and Language interventions.


What is the Speech and Language Resourced Provision?

Kings Meadow Speech and Language Resourced Provision is part of Kings Meadow Primary School.  The Provision is limited to 10 places.  All of the children who access the Provision have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan), stating Communication and Interaction (Speech and Language), as their main area of need, and are currently open to Speech and Language Therapy services.


Children with severe and specific speech and language difficulties as their primary need, may benefit from a placement at the Speech and Language Resourced Provision also.   Children who access the Provision are taught in their mainstream classroom and access their personalised, intensive speech and language therapy sessions in the Speech and Language Provision Room.  


The Speech and Language Resourced Provision caters for children who have severe speech and language difficulties such as:


  • Difficulty making the sounds of speech;
  • Difficulty expressing what they want to say;
  • Difficulty processing the language they hear;
  • Difficulty remembering and recalling words.


Many children who are identified and provided for at an early age make significant progress with their speech and may no longer require an EHC Plan by the end of their primary schooling. 


At Kings Meadow Primary we support and encourage children to achieve their optimum potential by providing specialist teaching and intensive speech and language therapy in a supportive environment.  The Resourced Provision operates an inclusive policy tailored to meet the needs of each individual child, where children work alongside their mainstream peers.  Specialist teaching takes place within a language enriched environment in small supportive groups and on a one to one basis.  Speech and Language therapy is provided, as appropriate to the needs of each child.  


What Speech and Language Provision will the children receive?

All the children are members of a mainstream class and, as such, they take part in all the class/school activities. All the children are assessed and provided for on a basis of individual need. Each child has a Speech and Language Therapy Plan, with communication targets which are reviewed and revised on an ongoing basis.


What can we provide?

  • Access to the whole curriculum within a mainstream class;
  • A dedicated SENDCO, with over 17 years experience in SEND
  • Speech and Language Therapist led session every week;
  • Speech and Language therapy programme individually assessed and tailored by the speech and language therapist (Ms Jessica Moscrip) and delivered by the Speech and Language specialist (Mrs Jo Moir);
  • Full time support within the classroom, in small groups and individually, to facilitate access to the curriculum in whatever way that is needed;
  • A leader and a team of teaching assistants with experience and expertise in supporting children who have speech and language difficulties;
  • Individual learning programmes;
  • Intervention matched to need across the curriculum;
  • Access to, and support from outside agencies in addition to the Speech and Language Therapist  e.g. Occupational Therapists & Educational Psychologists;
  • Transport to and from home for those outside the catchment area (organised by Sefton Transport);
  • A wide range and variety of resources;
  • Teachers who have experience in teaching children with speech and language difficulties;
  • A whole school inclusive ethos.


Speech Therapy

Our Speech and Language Therapist is Ms Jessica Moscrip


Ms Moscrip comes to school every week to deliver individual support for the pupils who access our Speech and Language Resourced Base. Ms Moscrip sets the Speech and Language programmes which are delivered by Mrs Moir, our Speech and Language specialist.


The Speech and Language Therapist delivers group, paired and individual sessions. Planning and Target Setting are completed in collaboration with the class teachers so that these areas can be targeted and new skills practised and enhanced in the classroom environment. 



If you would like any further information about our Speech and Language Provision, please feel free to contact Miss Karen O’Brien, either by telephone – 01704 578512 or by email;



SEND Information

