School Logo

Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Learning At Home

Dear Nursery Parents/Carers, 

We hope are all safe and well.  We miss you all and we hope we can all return together very soon.  


Although home-schooling is not compulsory at nursery age, we know your child would love to take part in some of our home-learning activities provided below.  

This is a weekly overview for you to choose and complete at your leisure.  We understand that our families are all in different positions and we are here to help.  


You can complete tasks and explore mini mash through Purple Mash - We hope you have all manged to log in. 

Epic books is also great and we have directed you key texts/stories, however, please enjoy a range of books that appeal to your child's interests. 


Once you have completed these activities, you can share them with us via the APP - Evidence Me.  (Please find Instructions included included in your home-learning pack) 

We would love to see what have have achieved.  

If you have any queries, please contact our school admin and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  


Take Care 

The Nursery Team

