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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Week beg.11th Jan 21

'a' Words | Phonics | Initial Sounds

In this video, we focus on the letter sound 'a'. Let's look at some words that start with this sound.For more Phonics Segmenting and Blending activities, wa...

I Can Show the Number 2 in Many Ways | Number Recognition | Jack Hartmann

Learn about the number 2. Learn the different ways number 2 can be represented. See the number two on a number line, five frame, ten frame, numeral, word, di...

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt

http://www.jointhebearhunt.comFor a quarter of a century, readers have been swishy-swashying and splash-sploshing through the award-winning favourite picture...

We're Going on a Bear Hunt | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

A Cosmic Kids yoga adventure about about going on a bear hunt! (Inspired by the wonderful book by Michael Rosen)⭐ Sign up for FREE access to our Yoga Quest c...

