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Kings Meadow Primary School and Early Years Education Centre

Celebrating Success

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


We have a very exciting year of learning ahead of us. We hope that the following information about our curriculum and routines will help you and your child settle into Willow Class.


Year 2 Teaching Team

Mrs Noone – Class Teacher 

Miss Steele - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Graham - Teaching Assistant (Part-Time)



Physical Education Reminders

P.E kits are required to be worn to school on a Monday (Dance) & Thursday (P.E.).


Homework Reminders

On a Tuesday the children will be given homework and spellings, the Homework book should be returned to school by the following Tuesday.  Children should aim to read and learn spellings on a daily basis. 

The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Monday, new spellings will also be issued on a Monday. Please ensure the spelling book is returned to school for lists to be updated and spelling scores to be added weekly. 


Year 2 Reading

Books are issued from the schools reading scheme. Books will be changed on a Monday and Wednesday of each week. Please send books into school every day so that we can also read with your child in school and update the Reading Record with reading completed at home.




Current Curriculum Theme

Our current theme is ‘Inter-nation Media Station’.  It is part of our whole school focus on COMMUNICATION.

“Inter-Nation Media Station” is a thematic unit all about media and broadcasting. There is a key subject focus on history, through which pupils will learn about early methods of communication, leading to the invention of both the television and radio. Pupils will develop confidence in oracy, through opportunities to work on their own broadcasts.


Curriculum Breadth

The other subjects included in this thematic unit are art, design technology, drama, ICT / computing, literacy, maths, music and PSHE. Breadth comes, not only from the range of subjects offered, but also from their careful integration, leading to more connected thinking. Global Dimensions help pupils develop a wider perspective and understand the links between their own lives and those of people around the globe, as well as understanding their own place in the worldwide community.


Curriculum Depth

Learning Means the World puts great emphasis on curriculum depth. We focus on common attributes that ensure provision of a deep curriculum and use them to underpin our thematic units. We consider these to be:- meaning and relevance; cohesion; opportunities for inquiry; development of critical, creative and high order thinking skills; integration of subjects; provision of access to information from a range of sources and viewpoints; authenticity of end products. Through elements such as Catalyst Questions, Pupil-Led Activities and Essential Learning Experiences (ELEs), we can thus ensure a greater depth of learning.


In this theme we will cover the following Learning Objectives:


 Hi7 To ask and answer questions about the past.

Hi10 Identify differences between past and present and show how ways of life at different times were different to my own.

 Learn about how news was shared in the past.

Know about the ways in which news is shared today, compared with in the past.

Understand the meaning of the terms ‘media’ and ‘broadcasting’.

Recognise some of the advantages and disadvantages of present day media coverage.

 Art Drawing and Painting

To experiment with the visual elements of line, shape, pattern and colour and with a variety of tools and techniques, including mixing a range of secondary colours, shades and tones.


 Prepare and learn a few lines in my plays.

 Add simple effects such as a sound or prop to enhance my performance.

Use role play to explore, engage and empathise with characters, situations and events from known stories and stories I create with others.

 To identify and discuss why I like a performance and suggest improvements to my own and others’ work.


Select and order sounds within simple structures and sounds in response to given starting points.

To represent sounds with symbols.

Identify the beat and join in getting faster and slower together.

 Recognise and explore how sounds can be organised.

 Begin to sing in tune with expression and control.

Computing Multimedia

Use a variety of ICT tools to create, develop and refine presentations and performances, integrating effects to enhance outcomes.

 Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.

Organise and adjust communication according to the needs of the audience and the technology, including taking account of the quality and content of the communication.


Knowledge Organisers / Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers

Please download the files below to see our current Knowledge Organiser (WHISK Sheet) and our Curriculum Letter to Parents / Carers. These will provide you with a clear overview of all the subjects and learning that will take place in your child’s current theme.


